KESCA (Kitchen Exhaust Systems Cleaning Association) will be rebranded to Food Security Systems in the near future is a registered Non- Profit association created to provide assurance for the food service industries are being cleaned to standard. This system has developed from just simple kitchen exhaust system cleaning to over all preventative maintenance programs that will enable the majority of food service industry to increase profits.
Considering the food instability we are all facing with old and new viruses creating food shortages we found it was necessary to implement our own food security systems to ensure the population clean safe food from the agriculture industry , food processing basically form the farm to plate processes.
Food Security Systems
It is time to consider implimenting an industry specific preventative maintence program.
They seem to overlook many issues, with dirty refrigeration systems, in many cases they struggle to keep safe temperatures due to undersize refrigeration systems they have to run sprinkler systems on the evaporating coils in the summer time.
Food Security Systems
Did you ever wonder what questions are missing from the inspection checklist?
Imagine an NFPA 96 Standard infraction right beside a fire station. A fire station with a commercials kitchen exhaust systems that has not even been cleaned every six months like the standard requires.
Food Security Systems
Restaurants have many issues to consider, the cleanliness of the kitchen exhaust systems, filters hood riser duct, horizontal duct fire rated access door hinge assemblies in many case have not even been installs to code. Under the equipment all harbor pest control and health related issues that should be addressed.
Then you have the make up air system, HVAC and return air plenum, refrigeration systems, freezers, grease traps, carpets, upholstery
Food Security Systems
If this restaurant was being inspected would all of this
Imagine an NFPA 96 Standard infraction right beside a fire station. A fire station with a commercials kitchen exhaust systems that has not even been cleaned every six months like the standard requires.
Food Security Systems
We trust grocery store to provide clean safe food but no one is looking behind the scenes.
They seem to overlook many issues, with dirty refrigeration systems, in many cases they struggle to keep safe temperatures due to undersize refrigeration systems they have to run sprinkler systems on the evaporating coils in the summer time.
Food Security Systems
We are now faced with high costs to feed our nations, our farmers are basically slaves to allow big corporation to gain record profits while thousands of farms are forced out of business making way for corporation to be able to add what ever fillers or genetically modified food on our table with little to no oversight.
We need to stand together to support our farmers to allow them to sell direct to the consumer to cut out the middle man. Food processing need to be monitored by independent people from the agriculture industry as well as the preventative maintenance community.
Food Security Systems
Agricultural community are jumping through hoops to ensure our food safety meanwhile they continue to wipe out the entire farms livestock instead of using the surviving livestock to reproduce a stronger healthier bread.
We need to support our local farmers to secure a clean safe food supply over the winter month. We have teach our youth how to grow there own vegetables so the next generation will not be faced with the high cost of food sold by big corporations that use hazardous pesticides.
Food Security Systems
Food processing needs to be monitored more closely since they have little to no oversight preventing harmful filler form being added to our foods.
Genetically modified fruit, vegetable and now livestock seems to be the only supported sources of food. livestock have lived for hundreds of years they have all survives outbreaks and viruses in the past there is such a things called immunity we all have it. has it really gotten to the point we have to continue to mask the issues and medicated the problem? What proactive approach did you see during this last pandemic plastic barriers the viruses are so smart to stay behind. It would see they did not even consult with an air balancer that using negative and positive air pressure to protect life forms.